What is Google Rank Brain?
Google RankBrain is the algorithm Google
uses to index the search results and display it on a page giving ranks to
individual searches. The higher rank search result, displays on the top of the
page above other results. The Google launched this algorithm on October 26,
2015. It was preceded by Panda and succeeded by Possum. The latest algorithm
Google uses is called Fred.
Artificial Intelligence
Rankbrain is Google’s first Artificial
Intelligence program that has the ability to embed high level language code in
to vectors, which are mathematical entities used and understood by computers.
Furthermore, Vectors are the way words and phrases are mathematically connected
to each other.
The Rankbrain is efficient at guessing
words and phrases that might have similar meaning to the original keyword
intended. Therefore, the concept of auto suggest is the child of Rankbrain Artificial
Location sensitive
The Rankbrain shows the location from which
the searches were originally entered. Thus, we have Google trends, which shows
what a particular country or group of people are interested in searching for
the moment.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Before, Google developed Rankbrain
algorithm, it had to manually update any new feature the search engine
engineers come up with. However, after launching RankBrain algorithm Google
task of updating the algorithm has decreased considerably. It is because this
artificially intelligent program is capable of learning new concepts and making
connections accordingly. It can efficiently update the algorithm itself. For
example, in an experiment a rank brain algorithm learned the capital of
countries just by searching a good number of articles.
RankBrain Intelligence Outdoing the Engineers
Google tested the RankBrain against its
best engineering minds. The engineers were asked to look at some pages and
decide which of the page will rank at top of SERP Search Engine Result Page. Similarly,
the RankBrain was tested to come up with the problem to same solution. To the
surprise of most, RankBrain was correct 80% of times as compared to Google
Engineers who were correct 70% of the times. This experiment shows how powerful
the artificial intelligent RankBrain is. This is because the RankBrain is capable
of learning and making new connections on its own, without any need of human
interference. It makes new patterns, revises the SERP (search engine result
page) and ultimately adds the new information to its knowledge base.
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