Constructive Anger
Anger... He ain't that Angry...
The Word "Anger", means a strong feeling of annoyance, hostility or displeasure. Anger is seen as a vice that needs to be avoided at all cost. But what if there is a positive side to the story of this furious guy...This word is notorious for being full of violent energy. However, have any one of us took the liberty out to ask this wronged guy... What the heck is your problem Man...
No, Yes, Sometimes... May be... What ever the case... Lets clear our Air with this Haughty Guy...
Anger at its roots arises from when you are wronged or at least you imagined that you are wronged. Anger allows you take a stand for yourself. It demands to be treated fairly. The idea came to my mind by the Hollywood Animation Inside Out where different emotions are in charge of steering a young girls life. There, anger is in charge of making sure the child gets treated fairly.
Hence, the need to clear negative thoughts about this word...
The Aftereffect of this Feeling is that, as soon as it is in open Air, and is used to rant your feelings out... It starts to vanish... And with it, feelings of sorrow and apology sets in... Anger might cause regrets if untamed. However little bit of anger every now and then causes people to take you seriously and treat you fairly as a result....

Confident People take a stand for themselves and what they believe in. Hence there needs to be an emotion called anger... The problem arises when my stand on beliefs and values take a clash with that of yours. Look at the world of politics for example. Its a product of exercising to much anger or taking a stand. The aftermath of world wars, was chaos and destruction. However, the fruit of world wars was United Nations. Why? Because nations started to see that their needs for taking stand for themselves, should be balanced with, regard for other countries. The War longing countries were driven by their false nationalism and pride that brought chaos to the world.
To Conclude i must say, anger is a pure emotion of being wronged and causes you to take a stand for what you believe in... Anger lets the world know who the heck you are and can't be messed with. Anger gives you the courage to speak up, to organize a rant for your beloved cause and deliver it...However, Anger only becomes a problem when you disregard others' needs.
So be angry at your granny if she doesn't give you your fair-share of cookies or when your parents don't marry you in the desired time frame, you ought to break some plates... :D Be Bold, Be Brave and Be Angry!
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