Inter-Cultural Leadership Day 3
Day 3 Inter-Cultural Leadership
Day 3 started straight with Breakfast. We went in to the hall after having our Breakfast at the Poolside. Shortly, English Biscuits Manafuacturing team followed us in the hall. They were greeted with lots of noise and applause. After hearing their life stories, we were assigned tasks by our YF's to make Art with biscuits. Some of the teams were asked for a live performance, while others were asked to come with an original jingle. Our team was asked to make PeakFreans Symbol with biscuits.
We met Yousaf Bashir Qureshi on the stage of Ball room. He told us his life story. He is a Fashion Designer and a Photographer by Profession. He has an experience of 16 years of working abroad in USA. He came back to Pakistan in 2002. He is a graduate in Food Sciences at Nebraska University USA and is a landlord at sindh. He discovered his passion for fashion designing and photography later in his life. He was working as a horse trainer at USA, where he designed clothes for himself. The clothes became very popular and gave the Horse shows a South Asian Touch. Apart from that Yousaf has worked for various clients of Hollywood and Fashion Industry, including Angelina Jolie, Sheryl Crow, Denzel Washington, Madonna, Kenneth's Cole, BCBG, Bebe, Arden B and Lapis etc. He also told us that the long coat that Keanu Reeves wore in Matrix was designed by him which resembles sherwani to great extent. On his arrival to Pakistan he established Commune Arts Colony for the benefit of all kinds of Artists to work together and further Art and Culture in their country. The stories of a fuedal lord were awe inspiring. It inspired us to follow our dreams and leave rest to Allah.
The wonderful session of Yousaf Bashir Qureshi came to an end. But another equally wonderful session started when a guy went to the stage in a flash. Alot of us recognized him. He was none other than Faisal Qureshi. The famous Talk show host of various channels, enterpreneur and electrical engineer by profession. His talk shows include Bang-e-Dara on News one, Loose Ends on Business Plus, Ankahi on Samaa TV and Breakfast at Dawn on Dawn News. He is also the founder and chairperson of high IQ society Mensa Pakistan. The session was named Hard Talk and every minute of it seemed like one. Faisal challenged the youth and their convictions. He questioned how we can help pakistan. He counter questioned to challenge the assumptions and old and tried methods of youth. The session was thrilling but short. When we saw Faisal Qureshi rushing out of the Ball room, all of us were disappointed.
The time to leave Sheraton Hotel came. It was in our Schedule that we would leave for Country side Chalet. So the participants went to their rooms, packed their belongings and brought it to the car parking of Sheraton. There 8 to 9 huge buses were waiting for us. Participants made their way into the buses along with their luggage. Yf's and managment made sure that no one was missing. The buses that were filled started to move out one by one and made their way to CountrySide Chalet, which is at a distance of 1 hour from Sheraton.
At the arrival at Chalet Every one was very tired. We were escorted to our rooms and were asked to dress to our best because it was Dress to Impress Night.
We had our dinner at Country Side Chalet. We socialize with eachother, exchanged words of appreciations for each other dresses and enjoyed the cultural expression of 350 plus participants.
After the dinner, all of us made our way to the huge lawn where a Musical Concert was arranged. They had invited a local Rock Band. Audience were dancing and singing to the tones of the songs.
After the performance of the band, audience wanted to dance and show off for itself. For that different kinds of music were played including Pashto, Bhangra, Attan, Rap, BreakDance etc.
The performances of the audience marked the end of a long but rewarding Day 3. All of us went to our rooms for a good night sleep and for preparing for the challenging Day 4.
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