Political Leadership Day 6

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Day 6 Political Leadership

On the morning of sixth and final day of YLC, we had our breakfast and CheckOut as was requested. Then whoever wanted to play Rang De, did it in the Tents of the Parking lot. I prefered not to participate because of the mess it will create.

Olaf Kelleroff founder of Friedrich Nauman, an NGO, give us a lecture on History of Revolution. For the reference he used French Revolution. He reminded us what revolution meant in those days. Whenever some one talks about Revolution, image of violence and bloodshed comes to mind. But its not true a Revolution can be peaceful.  Its not necessary to overthrow Monarchy and bring Democray like in French Revolution. Whenever there is a dramatic shift in thinking, mindset and ideologies of masses Revolution follows.

After the eye opening session of Mr. Olaf, we welcome real life Youth Political Activists by the name of Youth Parliament.  YLC participants had a chance to interact with the Activists live and ask any question they would like to. Participants ask various questions from what they have done for the country and in what ways they are representing the Youth to what the participants can do themselves to promote the interest of the Young segment of Population. The discussion among the Activists and Participants heated up from time to time by thanks to Facilatators everything was kept under control. The long discussions on current issues faced by our country, came to an end when both the parties realised they want the same things for the country. They are burning with the same fire of Passion to do something for their Homeland. With this ending note they resolved to work for the betterment of Pakistan in their own ways but unitedly.

We were nearing our end of today's session. As well as nearing the very end of this Fantastic year of Young Leaders Conference.

The team of TCS came to the stage to speak final words about their experience with YLC. They acknowledged the fact that they are major Sponsors of YLC from last 10 years and would continue to do so in the future. They brought a final token of apprecition for all of us. It was our YLC Trophy Sponsored by TCS. It was a memory we would love to take away with us to our homes.

After the Trophy Distribution, participants were given a chance to come on stage with their teams. Team by Team, participants went to the stage and looked at the audience for one last time. Some of the participants also got the chance to share their experience in few sentences.

When the participants were done of sharing their experiences of YLC. It was time to turn the tables over to the people who made it Possible in the first place for a such an awesome event to take place. Yes, i am talking about YLC management, speakers and YF's. The Two Champs of this year Malik and Bilal took control of the Mic. They announced the names of the YF's along with something personal related to them, which was a story, a joke, a trait, a praise and a chance to speak to 350 plus. We heared, we listened, we watched and we were moved. It was a very touching moment for all us because at the back of our minds, the whispers of the End of YLC 2011, were becoming louder and louder.

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We officially ended YLC 2011 by hugging our friends, taking pictures, passing smiles and wiping tears. It was a sight to watch and a sight to be remembered for a life time!

YLC is known for giving participants the certificates after they have done something for the community they live in. It is done in the form of Project. It can be any Socio Development Campaign. The participants can organize mini YLC at their hometowns and share their experiences with others or they can become Enterpreneurs and start their own business. The essense is to bring a change somehow. It can be your life as well the life of the millions around you.

The fire within us is Ignited. We are ready to Change ourselves, We are ready to change the world!

Waqas Khan
IM|Sciences Peshawar


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