Young Leaders Conference Day 1

Young Leaders Conference

Day 1 The YLC Legacy
The 1st Day of YLC was all but Orientation and celebrating 10th anniversary of YLC. We were greeted in the big ball room of Sheraton by all the YF's (Young Facilitators) by a live dance performance on "Main to Dekho Gaa, Tum Bhe Dekho Gai". It was followed by this year's Champs taking hold of the stage, Malik and Bilal. They were greeted with all the claps and shouts of joy. They literally electrified the stage and transfer their enthusiasm to the audience.

The names of the students were announced by Malik and Bilal who were Sponsored by their respective organizations. Later on, they were allowed to socialize with their Sponsors, take pictures with them, thank them for believing in the potential of youth and for investing generous funds. In the same instance teams were formed and they were escorted outside the ballroom with their YF's to get to know each other. It was an action packed experience filled with lots of activities and musti.

After team formation, there was a short tea break. Then again we were escorted to Ball room where our main sessions were held. Urooj Mazhar a talented young facilatator gave us a short but helpful presentation on Hotel Ettiquettes which clearified issues and questions we had on how to live in Sheraton Hotel. It had everything from Bathroom etiquettes to no noise in the corridor issues. It was a nice session especially because of the Humour put by Kambha.

Our breaths stopped for a moment and our senses stunned, when we saw the live performance of a theater group of 9 youngsters, by the name of Zahrsss. They were outstanding. Everything about them was superb including acting, direction, concept, dance, humor , variety and the length of the show. They did a superb job in highlighting the current situation of Pakistan especially Media, News Reporters, Impact of Indian Dance Shows and Soaps on us, Bad acting and direction of Our Punjabi movies and what not.

After the Stunning performance of Zahrsss, we were escorted out of the Ballroom for Dinner. We were excited yet tired becuase of the long day and busy schedule. The Dinner was definetly fitting here. It was Sponsored by Bank Alfalah the Caring Bank. For which we were really greatful.

After the dinner we met two giants of Training and Motivational Speaking Industry. Sohail Zindani and Umair Jaliawala. Sohail taught us about worth of Self in a humorous style. Umair Jaliawala, after his short introduction and life story, turned the tables over and gave us energizers and activities like treasure hunt, Video Making of Cat Fight, Long Jump etc. This was the moment when we further bonded with our team members. We gave our team a name "Inqilaabi Patakhay" and a slogan " Phat Jai... toh Aag Lag Jai Gee"

At last long day came to an end. All of us went to our rooms at 2:00AM and were asked to come to Ball Room at 6:30 AM for Yoga Session. We had a nice short but much needed sleep of 4 and half hours.


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