
How to Choose the Right Wireless Mouse?

Choose the Right Wireless Mouse You might be using a wired mouse that came with your computer. However, itā€™s nice to have an upgrade to a wireless mouse. But how to choose the wireless mouse that is right for you. Here, we explore following features to let you know how you can choose the wireless mouse that is perfect for you. Size and Grip The first thing to consider before buying the wireless mouse is the size. People have different sized hands, and prefer one mouse over the other for this major reason. Itā€™s recommended to hold the mouse in your hand before buying it; to get an idea of how it feels.. There are two main grips that people use i.e. palm and claw. Palm grip is the most use grip and is used with traditional bulky mouse itā€™s most comfortable but less precise. Claw grip is used by the gamers and are smaller in size, they are more precise, however it more straining on the hand. Sensitivity The sensitivity of the mouse means how small of a movement yo...

What is Google Rank Brain?

Google RankBrain Google RankBrain is the algorithm Google uses to index the search results and display it on a page giving ranks to individual searches. The higher rank search result, displays on the top of the page above other results. The Google launched this algorithm on October 26, 2015. It was preceded by Panda and succeeded by Possum. The latest algorithm Google uses is called Fred. Artificial Intelligence Rankbrain is Googleā€™s first Artificial Intelligence program that has the ability to embed high level language code in to vectors, which are mathematical entities used and understood by computers. Furthermore, Vectors are the way words and phrases are mathematically connected to each other. The Rankbrain is efficient at guessing words and phrases that might have similar meaning to the original keyword intended. Therefore, the concept of auto suggest is the child of Rankbrain Artificial Intelligence. Location sensitive The Rankbrain shows the location...

Constructive Anger

Anger... He ain't that Angry... The Word "Anger", means a strong feeling of annoyance, hostility or displeasure. Anger is seen as a vice that needs to be avoided at all cost. But what if there is a positive side to the story of this furious guy...This word is notorious for being full of violent energy. However, have any one of us took the liberty out to ask this wronged guy... What the heck is your problem Man... No, Yes, Sometimes... May be... What ever the case... Lets clear our Air with this Haughty Guy... Anger at its roots arises from when you are wronged or at least you imagined that you are wronged. Anger allows you take a stand for yourself. It demands to be treated fairly. The idea came to my mind by the Hollywood Animation Inside Out where different emotions are in charge of steering a young girls life. There, anger is in charge of making sure the child gets treated fairly. Hence, the need to clear negative thoughts about this word... The Aftereffect...


TESTIMONIAL FOR MY BEST FRIEND Zia An Angel in Devil's Disguise Zia is an ANGEL but he don't want to make a scene out of it. For that he wears an infamous mask of bad boy... His goodness of heart is not visible to most... And that is their loss... He truly is an Angel wearing the mask of Devil in fear his goodness might get exaggerated... Zia friendship grew on me slowly but surely... i never thought i will be friends with him for almost a decade. But the most amazing things in life happens unexpectedly... He never like me for my over top ness and to my amazement it never bothered me... :D But if some else did it i would be pulling hair out of his head :D We understand each other without much to say... The ease in our friendship is so much that their is a danger that we might it take each other for granted. We are very similar in most aspects. The reward we consciously and unconsciously require is LOVE and ADMIRATION. But we have our own ways of achieving it... He w...

I Support CM Punk Joining UFC

CM PUNK If there is any one who has been an enigma to me after the era of The Rock, Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton... Its the Punk I have tremendous respect and admiration for this guy. Punk can not only wrestle, but has a gift of gab that Brock can only dream of. Sorry Brock, we know your awesome with your strength and all, but mike charisma is not your thing. Stating all that, I know he got beat up recently at his UFC debut by Micky Gall. But to be fair to Punk he left a luxurious life of WWE, he left the money, he wasn't happy and so he left it.He trained for 2 years for his UFC debut and still got beat up. I am not disappointed though, one of the reason of his downfall was because he shed a lot of weight . He weighted 210 pounds at WWE, at his entry in UFC he was 200 Pounds and for his first Welter Weight Fight he weighed 170 Pounds. Thats 77 kg, Even my besties Zia and Mumray Weigh alot from him. Sorry Mumray beside of all your spending time at gym you are also Over-weigh...

Political Leadership Day 6

Day 6 Political Leadership On the morning of sixth and final day of YLC, we had our breakfast and CheckOut as was requested. Then whoever wanted to play Rang De, did it in the Tents of the Parking lot. I prefered not to participate because of the mess it will create. Olaf Kelleroff founder of Friedrich Nauman, an NGO, give us a lecture on History of Revolution. For the reference he used French Revolution. He reminded us what revolution meant in those days. Whenever some one talks about Revolution, image of violence and bloodshed comes to mind. But its not true a Revolution can be peaceful.  Its not necessary to overthrow Monarchy and bring Democray like in French Revolution. Whenever there is a dramatic shift in thinking, mindset and ideologies of masses Revolution follows. After the eye opening session of Mr. Olaf, we welcome real life Youth Political Activists by the name of Youth Parliament.  YLC participants had a chance to interact with the Activists...

Socio-Development Leadership Day 5

Day 5 Socio-Development Leadership We woke up at 8 and had our breakfast till 9 at Sheraton Poolside. All the participants made their way towards backside of Sheraton. There a huge Air Conditioned Tent was arranged as an alternative to the Sheraton Ball Rooms. At first i thought we are going to rot in the heat. But i must give credit to the YLC management for arranging such a unique setting of Tents with Two Cool Point AC's. A guy from the Entertainment Industry was standing in front of us on Stage. I did not know him. Until it was announced that he is the Director/Producer of Pakistani Movie "Ram Chand Pakistani". To this point i havent seen the movie but i am planning to watch it someday. Yes, the elderly fellow was Javed Jabbar. The Presentation of Mr. Jabbar was very philosophical and deep, much of it went through our heads but we got the essence of what he was talking about. The Topic was Believe in Alternative World. Now it was upto the listener from wh...